Remember mixes? Before the days of playlists, there were wonderful tape mixes that friends, families, and significant others would give each other to share music. There were Birthday Mixes, Love Mixes, Study Mixes, and more. In that spirit, we present our “Valentine’s Day Family Mix” of 14 “love” songs for the whole family. As we often do when we listen to music as a family (e.g. on big roadtrips), these 14 songs are a variety designed to appeal to the adults as well as the kids. Since many mixes often had a surprise tune thrown in, we thought we’d throw in our Full Van Fun love song! A song we actually wrote and recorded long, long ago. Enjoy!

A heart-shaped rock from on the short of Nova Scotia (Photo credit: Full Van Fun)
“Lucy and Tighty” – The Okee Dokee Brothers
Clever and cute, this story about Lefty Lucy and Righty Tighty teaches you about love and how to hold it together.
“Happy Ever After In Your Eyes” – Ben Harper
Haunting and soulful, this is the quintessential love song.
“When One Becomes Two” – The Verve Pipe
This was the first “kindie” Verve Pipe song we ever heard and we loved it (maybe because it also so closely matched our family!). You can find it on the awesome new Mighty Mo Productions Heart Beats. Learn more about the song and the band in our interview with Bryan Vander Ark of The Verve Pipe.
“Big Me” – Foo Fighters
This song is a sentimental favorite as it was on one of the first mixes Mr. Full Van Fun gave Mrs. Full Van Fun, even before the song was released as a single.
“I Heart UR Face” – Josh and the Jamtones
Really, is there anything more romantic than someone saying they love your face? Okay, not really, but still a fun tune full of the joy of love. Read our full review of their awesome new album here.
“Jungle Drum” – Emiliani Torrini
Speaking of fun songs about love, it’s hard to get more fun than this one from Emiliani Torrini.
“Please Be Mine” – Andrew & Polly
Not sure what’s cuter, the song or the video, either way it had to go in our list. If you missed our interview with Andrew & Polly, you can read it here.
“Not With Haste” – Mumford & Sons
If you aren’t familiar with this song, you might recognize a cover version sung by Birdy for the film Brave. Two words to describe this song? Passionate banjo.
“L-O-V-E You” – Play Date
Learn how to spell and express your love at the same time with this perky Play Date song. Learn more about Play Date in our exclusive #8isEnoughQuestions interview.
“In Your Eyes” – Peter Gabriel
Sure, you’ve heard this song a thousand times, but have you heard the live version? We like it so much better and make sure you listen all the way to the triumphant ending!
“Love Me Do” – Caspar Babypants
This classic Beatles song is reimagined by Caspar Babypants and reflects the brightness of love.
“Swallowed in the Sea” – Coldplay
Emphatic love. Love and loss. While Coldplay has a lot of songs that were far more popular, this one is probably one of our favorites.
“You Were Meant to Be” – Renee and Friends
This song is a perfectly blended duet with Renee Stahl and Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket) and was one of our favorite’s from Renee and Friends new Simpatico album. Look for our full album review later in February.
“Frozen Lake” – Buffalo Tom
This beautiful and bittersweet song from Boston’s Buffalo Tom reflects everything we love in music.
BONUS “Under Orion” – Full Van Fun
This song was written 20 years ago by Mr. Full Van Fun the day after he met Mrs. Full Van Fun. Later, we recorded it at a friend’s recording studio to play as the first dance at our wedding. The song turned out really well (Mr. Full Van Fun all instruments and Mrs. Full Van Fun singing) – but way, way, way too long – especially for a first dance. Released for the first time since our wedding, here is “Under Orion” by Full Van Fun.
So what are your favorite Valentine’s Day songs that we missed? Leave a comment below and let us know! Also, be sure to sign up for our mailing list and Follow Us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest so you don’t miss anything!