Jim Cosgrove (Photo credit: Jim Cosgrove)
Jim Cosgrove, aka Mr. Stinky Feet, is multi-award winning children’s artist, inspirational writer, motivational speaker, and Chief Groove Officer at Mighty Mo Productions. Mighty Mo Productions first album, Smiles Ahead, was fantastic, scoring 4 out 5 stars in our review and their latest collection, Heart Beats, is even better! Heart Beats is a heart warming collection of love songs from award winning independent family artists like The Verve Pipe, Rissi Palmer, Danny Weinkauf, Andrew and Polly, Josh and the Jamtones, and more.
For this #8isEnoughQuestions interview, each of the following questions was written by one of our Full Van Fun family members and answered directly by Jim Cosgrove. Enjoy!
1. How stinky are your feet?
It wouldn’t even be accurate to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. To be fair, one should use a Richter Scale, which measures seismic activity in the crust of the earth. Excessive foot oder has been known to trigger seismic waves. Mine generally registers around 7.5, which is considered “major.”
2. Is it fun to work with all the different bands for Mighty Mo Productions?
Working with all of this great talent is hands-down my favorite part about starting Mighty Mo Productions. I get to work with many of my old friends, and I’ve made a bunch of new ones! What could be better?!
3. What is your favorite thing about living in Kansas City?
Aside from my wife and children being here, I’d have to say my favorite thing is Royals baseball! There is also a really great music scene here that grew out of the rich jazz tradition.
4. How did the “Love Comes Back” duet with Jazzy Ash come about?
I wanted to write a song as a reminder to me and my children, that when you give your love away, it always comes back bigger and better than before. And I think Jazzy Ash has such an amazing voice that I just had to ask her to sing with me. I’m thrilled she said, “Yes!”
5. What was the best Valentine’s Day you ever had?
When my wife and I first started dating, we had a Valentine’s dinner with my mother. It was probably not what my wife had in mind, but I was able to share that day with my two favorite women in the whole world!
6. What is your favorite band that you haven’t put on one of your albums yet?
The Rolling Stones, but I’m working on them!
7. Now that you’ve put out your second compilation album, where do you see Mighty Mo going from here?
My vision and mission of Mighty Mo has always been to help create experiences for families through music. A big part of that will be live experiences — shows, festivals, and meaningful interactions with artists. And one day I’d love to create a music-centric destination attraction — hands–on, ears-on experience. And we want to help create the soundtrack of a family’s history.
8. Do you like to color?
I love to color! I like to use crayons, colored pencils, markers, paint — whatever is colorful. It’s fun to create anything I can imagine. I especially like to draw and color hearts!
Thank you Jim Cosgrove for a mighty #8isEnoughQuestions interview! Be sure to check out some of our other #8isEnoughQuestions interviews with artists like Mike Phirman, Danny Weinkauf of They Might Be Giants, Turkey Andersen, Lucky Diaz and Alisha Gaddis, Bryan Vander Ark of The Verve Pipe, Play Date, Recess Monkey, Andrew and Polly, Greg Page (Original Yellow Wiggle), Rissi Palmer, and Tim Kubart.